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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What's Up Wednesday: The Goals Edition

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk for like-minded writers to meet and encourage one another. Everything you ever wanted to know about it (now, with 50 percent more!) is right here.

What I’m Reading: I just finished two really great books, and I’m dying to start on Melissa Landers’ Alienated. I’ve been up for a good human-alien YA romance for a while, so I was excited when the book came out yesterday.

What I’m Writing: In the summer of 2013, I joined a group of writers for a season-long writing challenge that had me pumping out words like I had a direct line to my muse. I was so successful, I’m joining up for the group’s latest plan, Writer Recharge: a month of meeting WIP goals with the help of other likeminded writers. I’m pretty sure the accountability is exactly what I need to finish revisions on this story. For anyone else who could use a little push, here’s how it works:

  • First week of February: Post your goals for the month on your blog, website, or Twitter. Use the hashtag #WriterRecharge. Link your blog post at
  • Every Monday in February: Update your progress via your blog or twitter. Link your blog posts at Sara’s Monday posts.
  • Throughout the month: Use the hashtag #WriterRecharge to connect with other writers, have writing parties, and cheer one another on!
  • February 28: Post your final update via your blog or twitter.
  • Anyone who uses the hashtag or links their blog posts will be entered to win one of five query or 3-chapter critiques.

So here it goes, my goal:

I have a WIP in the middle of a round of heavy revisions. And by “middle” I mean beginning. My goal is to finish this round of revisions by the end of February. I’d like to set a certain number of chapters to revise per day, but I’m pretty sure that’d just overwhelm me—especially since some chapters are a breeze and others require heavy lifting. My plan, instead, is to work on revisions at least one hour per day with the idea that some days I’ll work for much longer.

What’s Inspiring Me: I love this post by Susan Dennard about increasing writer productivity. Her description of her struggle with fear and the inability to write hit close to home, and I love her tips for setting a writing routine.

What Else I’ve Been Up To: The Man and I have embarked on a Battlestar Glactica marathon which has made me aware of two things: A) There is a good reason this show has a rabid fan base and B) going on a TV binge is detrimental to my sleep. I’m like an addict in an opium den. I don’t care about the time, I NEED TO WATCH JUST ONE MORE EPISODE!

What have you been up to?

REMINDER! There’s still time to enter my Follower Appreciation Giveaway for a chance to win books, a $15 Amazon gift card, or bookish perfume.

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