What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk for like-minded writers to meet and encourage one another. Everything you ever wanted to know about it (now, with 50 percent more!) is right here.
What I’m Reading: I’m kinda on fire. I mean, I’m always literally on fire, which is pure joy. But I’m also metaphorically on fire when it comes to reading good books. This seems even sweeter because it’s following a string of books that completely and utterly sucked.
Thankfully, I picked up Lady Thief, the follow up to A.C. Gaughen’s Scarlet. I loved it for all of the reasons I loved the first: a vivid setting, characters who feel like friends, and the way Scarlet speaks, which should be bothersome to read but really flows so perfectly.
I also read Reclaimed by Sarah Guillory, which I will say absolutely nothing about because it’ll be better for you that way. Trust me, it’s good. Just skip reviews and go into it knowing nothing.
Most recently I read a beta draft of Alison Miller’s current
story and laughed my abs firm. Thankfully, Alison has shared a particularly
hilarious excerpt on her blog. Seriously—go read it.
What I’m Writing:
So I’ve basically been MIA on this blog, but it’s not because I don’t adore
you. I do. But the reason I haven’t posted in a while is
because I was finishing revisions on my sci-fi mystery WIP. [Insert uplifting music here.] It’s
off with beta readers now, so naturally I’m spending the time finding plot
holes and inconsistencies in my current draft. Next up: I’ll jump back in for
another revision based off of reader comments. Which I’m hoping aren’t “Please
try again.” I’ve also been writing my query and synopsis. And plotting
my own assassination.
On that lovely note, have a pig in a bath:
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What’s Inspiring Me: I
would seriously be going out of my mind if it weren’t for Susan Dennard’s synopsis guide. She brilliantly breaks a one-page synopsis down so you can write it
without drowning your inadequacies in a lethal combination of salt, fat, and sugar.
And now for a confession I’m somewhat afraid of putting on
my blog. This is a serious matter. It might change how you see me forever. But
here it goes:
For a while now I’ve been singing a certain song by some
band I didn’t know. And I liked it. A lot. It kind of reminded me of a story idea
I had, so I’ve been listening to it for inspiration. A lot.
And then I discovered the group. And yet I still really, really like the song. I’m not proud of this.
I also can’t get the song out of my head. Now excuse me
while I find something salty, fatty, and sugary in which to drown my shame.
What’s the most embarrassing
song or movie you absolutely love?
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