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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What's Up Wednesday and the YA Book Club

It’s time for What’s Up Wednesday again. If you’re unfamiliar with the idea, here’s the deal: What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk for like-minded writers to meet and encourage one another. Everything you ever wanted to know about it (now, 50 percent off the retail price!) is right here.

I’m so excited so many of you are interested in joining the YA Book Club this March. Let this serve as official proclamation that the book club is a go—and our book of the month is Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. (See, I’m getting in the royal spirit and all.) On Monday, March 30, we’ll post our reviews. Be sure to link to your review here, then hop to everyone else’s blog to see what other book clubbers thought about the novel! (More about how the book club works here.)

I’m still drafting my Island MS, which seems to be going much, much slower than any other book I’ve written. Recently I’ve been having a hard time getting my inner editor to shut up. She’s incredibly rude and only interested in deleting words. I’m hoping this is only a temporary thing.

Just about the only way I can get any words on the page is if I tell myself that even ridiculously low word counts make a difference. So I aimed for 1,000 words in a writing session and got 200. That’s better than zero, right?

But really I’d love to hear what works for you when it comes to killing your inner editor.