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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Falling for a New-to-Me Series

I don’t have much time. I’m compelled to keep going and going and going. I can’t help it.

It started on Saturday, when I had a bit of time and decided on a whim to pick up a book I had never heard of before. If I’m remembering correctly, it all began with Sara Biren’s Instagram photo of a book called Emerald Green. That led me to the first book in the series, Ruby Red. (Description on Goodreads.)

Which I read that day.

Luckily, the second book had already been published, so late Sunday night I jumped right in. I finished it Monday after work. And that is when I realized the final book in the trilogy, Emerald Green, didn’t release until Tuesday, October 8.

“But, Trace, that is only the next day. Not even 24 hours,” you say. Yes, well, that’s a very long time when you finish a book and the next is so close you can smell its papery pages.

I preordered it.

I stalked Barnes & Noble at 12 a.m. on Tuesday morning. (I should mention here that I’m a night owl and starting a book at midnight isn’t crazy for me.) That was a lesson in pointlessness.

So here I am, Tuesday evening, reading the last book in a series I didn’t know existed three days ago (and how, I ask, did I not know?). I’m not done. Hence my need to post quickly and probably like something of a spaz. But this needs to be said:

If you haven’t read Kerstin Gier’s Ruby Red trilogy please do. Preferably soon. And now I must dive back in to the world of time travel and secret societies and such.

What book have you discovered suddenly and fallen in love with?

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